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What is Maltitol and why do we use it?

What is Maltitol and why do we use it?

Maltitol is a sugar alcohol used as a sugar substitute. It is almost just as sweet as sugar and is great in recipes that require a thicker consistency which is why it is an ingredient in the chocolate coating on our KetoSkream Bars. It has 75–90% of the sweetness of sucrose and nearly identical properties, except for browning. It is used to replace table sugar because it is half as energetic, does not promote tooth decay, and has a somewhat lesser effect on blood glucose.

It has gotten a bad name in the Keto world and labelled with negative interpretations like having laxative effects or increasing blood glucose.

Maltitol isn't completely absorbed by the body which has shown to be beneficial to ketogenics, and therefore results in a slower rise of glucose levels compared to other sweeteners. What is absorbed happens in the small intestine and colon suggesting that Maltitol may cause digestive symptoms (gas, bloating, diarrhea, etc.) but a person would have to consume more than 7 KetoSkream bars a day to experience this even slightly. 

Maltitol is a better option than many other sweeteners, including honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, agave nectar, fruit juices, and regular white or brown sugar. While all sweeteners have a con, studies show that an average human would have to consume 100g of Maltitol daily for negative effects to be present. 1 KetoSkream bar contains less than 8g.

Despite the widespread negative community response to Maltitol, The Paleo Foundation determined that many of these objections within the Keto community were based on myths perpetuated by misleading interpretations of research or misleading data. Resulting from the research, The Paleo Foundation determined to include Maltitol in the Keto Certified standards and has been determined to be “Keto-friendly". is a great source of understanding Glycemic Indexing and information of the myths behind the negative Maltitol claims. 

Although stevia and xylitol may be a more desired ingredient, Maltitol is not poisonous to dogs like they are (Although we do not suggest sharing chocolate with your furry friend - accidents happen!), is much easier to work with in the frozen dessert world, and more available and cost effective to keep our prices lower for all ice cream lovers. 

Always consult with you doctor if you have any concerns, questions or health issues that could be effected.