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Setting Resolutions & Sipping Something Keto to ring in the New Year!

Setting Resolutions & Sipping Something Keto to ring in the New Year!

Let’s face it. 2020 was not our favorite… but we are definitely not going to let that get in the way of us having an AMAZING 2021! 

New Year. New Us.

Let’s get a jump start on those New Years’ Resolutions. Harvard Education tells us our resolutions should be: BIG, you should understand why you are making them, commit yourself, learn from the past, and give thanks for what you do. “What, like it’s hard?” [sarcastically said in Elle Wood’s voice]

Setting your 2021 vows doesn’t have to be difficult and here are some ideas to get you started with those Keto Resolutions!

  • Set a goal. We want you to dream BIG, but it’s not a bad thing to also be realistic. Be specific when making this goal so that it is something measurable you can stick to.  All too often we say “lose weight” when what we really mean to say is lose those pesky 5lbs, etc. Identifying your goal will help you stay on track!
  • “Thank you for being a friend” [if you’re not hearing Golden Girls in your head this is awkward] just because these are YOUR goals, doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.  Find a friend who has similar commitments or help each other by acting as an accountability buddy. Sometimes it’s easier to stay responsible when you have a friend asking “did you make sure to eat enough fats today?”
  • Practice Self Love- we CANNOT stress this one enough.  We are always our own worst critics, but it’s so important to celebrate those milestones. Remember the BIG picture. Remind yourself to focus on how you feel, how your clothes fit differently when you tone up, rather than the number on the scale. 
  • Embrace the Keto regime as a lifestyle, not just a diet. You’ve heard it before, but it really is all about your mindset. When you start looking at Keto as a way of life, the sooner you can get excited about all the new recipes you can try! This one goes hand in hand with eating out less. There are so many great resources out there with amazing recipes. Check out our previous blog posts and instagram for some of our favorites! 

NOW for the extra fun part... Calling All Vitamix’s & Blenders! If you are looking for a special drink to ring in the New Year keto style, we recommend making this yummy sparkling keto margarita (this recipe serves eight): 

⅓ cup fresh lime juice
2 tbsp maple flavored syrup (or another sugar free sweetener)
¾ tsp orange extract
¾ cup silver tequila
3 cups Brut champagne (brut contains the lowest carb level per serving)
20 oz ice cubes

-Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and mix until smooth (OR, if you prefer to have your margaritas “on the rocks,” add all ingredients to a large pitcher and stir well).
-Pour margarita mixture into champagne flutes and garnish with lime wedges.